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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hi Everybody..
In this NEW post, i wanna share with all of you some REFLECTIONS..These are not for all of you only, They are for me too...

MY FATHER didn't tell me HOW TO LIVE, he LIVED, and let ME watch him do it

LOSERS let life HAPPEN to them, WINNERS make it HAPPEN

WINNERS dispose of FAILURE faster than OTHER PEOPLE

Telling RIGHT from WRONG is not that HARD, the HARD part is overcoming LAZINESS and COWARDICE to do what ONE perfectly well knows ONE SHOULD

PUBLIC OPINION is like the CASTLE GHOST, no one has SEEN it BUT everyone is SCARED of it

DO NOT be AFRAID of growing SLOWLY, BE afraid of only STANDING STILL

When you lose HEALTH or WEALTH, you lose SOMETHING
BUT when you lose INTEGRITY, you lose EVERYTHING

To the world you might be ONE PERSON, but to ONE PERSON you might be THE WORLD

2 Sh0uTouTz:

i love this post...

seems really optimistic and rational thinking..

once i read the title..
appeared in my mind reflection by christina agueilera..
suddenly the content diffrent lak..
but then, nice post..

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