Latest Music I've Been Listenin!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

~i've MaDe Up My MiNd..~

At last...

After taking some time 2 think..

and taking advices from my parents, fellas and relatives...

I've made up my mind...

I will further my studies at....



I'll take foundation in engineering...

And with a lot of pray and determination from now on..

I'll do my best 2 succeed..

So..I hope everybody..

especially my family, fellas and relatives will support me all the way long...

wish me luck, you guys....

And...last but not least...

2 all my frenz that will go 2 KPM MATRIX, MAKTAB, DISTED COLLEGE (sape ek??), and etc..

I'll always pray for your success and i wanna wish you all the best!!!

5 Sh0uTouTz:

yeah.. that's a good choice..

weh..disted2..aku 2..hhaha..
gud luck la napizz oi..
blik t kta mkn bbq g..

sbb hg suh ak komen kat hg..

ak pn dgn rsa bangga dan rendah dirinya mai komen kt blog hg..


sori naa..ak pkai BM ja..BI x men..bahasa melayu bahasa malaysia!


wei tahniah2...smoga berjaya di 'sana'...haha..PJ banyak Kenny Rogers (kot)..

-jangan disuruh ku komen dlm BI~~-

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