So damn bored at home...
Am doin a lil bit research on doin surveys on9..
4 all i know..
some of them might be scams..
so..ive spent bout 3-4 days already find out which is the most reliable n can get me some money..
what a boring n tiresome job..
naseb baek lah i found some new tv series utk menghilangkan kebosanan!
The 1st one is NO ORDINARY FAMILY!
Dis tv series or drama or watsoeva is about a broken family who went to brazil to have a
vacation or sth..then their plane crashed when they were goin for a plane ride across amazon or
sth..Then, all of them got SUPERPOWERS! n week in week out..the DAD who got SUPER
STRENGTH uses his power to fight crimes..but little did they know that they are NOT the only
ones who got super powers! What will happen to them? U got to see it 4 yaself dawg! I aint tellin
ya! =p
When im done wif dat particular series...i suddenly stumbled upon one MALAYSIAN drama!
A very good one actually..
i know when i say fren ALIA must have tot i've gone nuts!
it aint a LOVEY-DOVEY drama or STUPID GHOST DRAMAS dat are on air almost
all the tyme on tv!
its called 10(sepuluh) Supermokh !
cte nie based on ZAMAN supermokh pnye bola lah lebey kurang..
the hero pon dun used the name MOKHTAR DAHARI..instead they used RIDZUAN
tp ape2 pon..i enjoyed watchin dis stuff..
it really shows a lot of passion n emotions towards football n honour!
As a MALAYSIAN FOOTBALL FAN..i really hope dat the folks who plays 4 Malaysia
nowadays..would try n become a lil bit more like people in the old days..
playing 4 honour n not juz for money!
n btw..eventhough my beloved CHELSEA is coming to town dis week..
i really hope Malaysian players will give a good fight to Chelsea!
Dun let them win if i would say! Malaysia Boleh! hahahahaha
K then..ciao guys!
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