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Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Very REAL Ugly Truth on Men

Okay people..below i've listed and edited some of the very REAL facts on us MEN. This may or may not be true to some, but the probability is one to a million that it doesnt 'hit your face' even a bit. LOL

I found it on some website and tried to edit them into a 'nicer' words..

Like it or not.These are the facts on US. Even batang hidung aku pon terkena jugak~ it is..

1) Men are very FEARFUL of rejection. This may cause them not to approach you even when they are really interested. If they feel that the risk of happiness is worth the risk of rejection, they may go for it. But usually, they will need some help on the woman’s end. She’ll have to smile at him. Give him a little eye contact. Have open body language. Then he will feel more comfortable approaching her. But if he feels even the slightest hint of disinterest on her behalf, he will balk. She may wonder, “What happened? I thought he liked me?” You may have given out a signal that you were not interested in him, so he decided to leave before he got his feelings hurt.

2) Men are admirable because they face a lot of rejection. Some men probably get turned down five times a day, and yet they keep going in order to find a girlfriend. Some women are so rude to men because they don’t know how much nerve it takes for the men to ask for her number or ask her out. Some men finally build up the nerve to approach the girl, and then she totally disses him by ignoring him or giving him a mean mug. Ladies, let’s play nice! If you’re not interested, treat him like you would like to be treated if you had approached an attractive man that you liked who was not interested in you. Every human deserves respect.

3) Men have a built-in “test” for women. They will sometimes try the girls they are interested in to see if they are the right person for him. He might be asking the girl's hand when walking together even as early as the 2nd date, just to know what type of girl he's dealing with. If the girl refuses, then he knows that this girl might be the right one for him because men like resistive women (on the early stage that is).

4) Men will try to PRESERVE your “girlfriend potential” if they really like you and could see a long-term relationship with you. While many men are just looking for a good night, they always keep their radar on for the wifey-type chick. They may have scandals with a different woman each night, but they’ll usually know a good one when they see her. If they are interested in her as a girlfriend, they will not even try to be really close to you because they know that if she gives it up too soon, they won’t like her that much anymore. They figure, “I already got the prize, so why in the world should I pretend to care about her hobbies, dislikes, and career?”

5) Men are VISUAL beings, so they want an ATTRACTIVE girlfriend.This is the greatest ugly truth. Even the “holiest” of men want to have the most beautiful wives. Their wives' hair, nails, and make-up are always done well. They dress really nice. Some women think it’s shallow of men to be like this, but they were made visual beings by God. They can appreciate a beautiful woman or a woman who puts effort into her looks. They will, of course, pick the pretty girl who’s in shape over the homely girl who is not in shape all other things (personality, character, intelligence) being equal. Duh! So while every woman is not going to be a Halle Berry with enough money to have the best clothes and beautician, most women can try their best and men will notice and appreciate that.

6) Men DO judge women negatively by the way you act and look. If you are a sloppy girl, they will not pursue you because they find you embarrassing. The book said that men do not feel like watching you every minute at a party in hopes of preventing you from embarrassing them in front of their friends. Who wants the sloppy babe for a girlfriend, fiancĂ©e, wife, or mother of their children? They may want to party with you because you’re fun, but it ends there. There is a double standard at play here, but men are conservative when it comes to their girlfriends. If the dude you are interested in is a nasty guy like Ice T is with his wife Coco, he may want you to show off all your assets and treat you like a whore in public. But if you want a respectable guy, he will, of course, want a respectable girl.

7) Men KNOW UP FRONT whether they are attracted to you or not. Women are sometimes the other way; we may not be attracted initially, but later on, we can think, “I know he’s just a friend, but he could have potential to be more...” Men know in the first three seconds or less whether they would ever be romantically or physically attracted to you. There’s no use in trying to manipulate or change that by buying gifts, being flirty, etc. because it’ll never happen for you and him. There’s a built-in chemical effect that goes on between a man and a woman when they are attracted to each other, and you can’t affect that chemistry by tricks and gimmicks. It’s biological, so you can’t fool with it. It’s just the way it is.

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