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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

~I can't stand 2 fly..I'm not that naive..~

Out of the blue...

I felt some feelings that were hard 2 express...

The feelings were all mixed up..

From happy to sad..

From joy to sober...


Every step i'm taking..

Every move i make feels..

lost with no direction..

my faith is shaking...


I got plenty of dreams...

I dream 2 be a successful person..

I dream 2 be a responsible man...

I dream 2 be a loyal friend...


Can i live with just dreaming??

People can say i "day-dreaming" a lot...

Cos i ain't achieve them just yet...

But..the question is..


I know who am i...

I know i am easy 2 get distracted...

I know i can't stand 2 "fly"...



I really hope so...


There's always gonna be another mountain..

I'm always gonna wanna make it move..

Always gonna be an uphill battle..

Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose...

Ain't about how fast i get there..

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side...

It's the climb...

I hope GOD will give me the strength and the determination..

to climb the stages of life..

till the end of my life..

I hope everybody will support me instead of pressuring me...

Be4 i forget...i wish and pray that all my fellas are successful in pursuing their dreams...


Pls pray 4 me so that i can achieve the highest level of education....

and pls pray for me 2 be strong in facing the challenges through the ups and downs of my life...

4 Sh0uTouTz:

Effort mesti ada

Good luck!!

hey nafis!!
we're always behind you, pal!!
(run to the back of the class)
and we're always gonna support you wherever and whatever it is!!
(massage ur back)
so,dont feel down!! we're all in this together, so lets make it ROCK!!

'I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never, never give up, no matter what else happened'

Remember, we are placed at a whereabouts that we can face the predicament. Ironically, we always ask to be in other places that we dream for. If He says that our dream is the perfect place for us to be in, so wear ur smile broad.

'If you are patient in one moment, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow'

ur clan,

can't you stop those nonsense??don't think if you commented on something in English it'll sound great..your words are poorly administered and this is a shame for us Malaysians...It's not encouraging at all if you ask me..

even these words below are better than your pointless spam...
"fingerscrossed said...

Effort mesti ada

Good luck!!"

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