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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

~ThE ALKiS RugBy TournaMenT~

This tournament was held last Saturday...

The plannings were so fancy.. the end, it was only a simple tournament..haha

This kinda tournament is held annually in my school..

It was consisted of 5 batch including mine..

And guess wat??

It became more like a reunion than a tournament..

Our batch couldn't win this thing cos we were not in our top form...

(da dok umah mkn tido je keje)..haha

However, i was glad that i can join it and have another chance 2 play alongside my teammates...

But, i admit i was "pancit maa.." Pity me...T.T

Though we were out of form, we managed 2 get 3rd place..(kinda gud wat 4 mkn tdo batch)

My body was aching like when it was the first time i played rugby..

But..the aches didn't spoil the fun we had..

Cos we took a lot of pics..(more like people who never saw cameras...haha)

4 Sh0uTouTz:

senang cite..
u guys.. kalah ler??

great... at least won sth rather than nothing. add me in ym

sume da gemok je

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